オンライン英会話の無料体験 オンライン英会話のお問い合わせ


Live Englishでは、時差を利用して海外赴任先やご出張先など、日本国外からレッスンをご受講になられている方もいらっしゃいます。


MBA保持で、世界最大手プロフェッショナルファームの一つの “KPMG” での監査業務、市場分析、プロジェクトマネジメント等の豊富なビジネス経験を持つSarah先生は、大好きな旅行を楽しむため、色々な国に長期で旅をしながらオンラインで英語を教えています。




Hello everyone! My name is Sarah and I would be very happy to meet you and support your English studies. A little bit about me: I love to travel, and so teaching English is the perfect job for me. So far I have taught in Thailand, France, Spain and Italy, and now I have moved to India to teach there also.

I love experiencing new cultures, meeting new people, and trying new cuisines! In Thailand the weather and nature was beautiful, and the locals are very warm and welcoming people. I was lucky enough to go to an elephant sanctuary while I was there and meet such amazing animals close-up.

Thailand elephants

I stayed in Paris when I taught in France, which is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, with picturesque scenes and iconic buildings around every corner. I made a trip to the Loire Valley while I was there, which is full of stunning castles.

Loire Valley Castle

In Spain I really enjoyed the culture of siestas, fiestas, tapas and chupitos! The weather is so good that there is a safari in the mountains near Alicante, with exotic animals roaming around outdoors as if in the wilds of Africa. Security was a little lax for the less dangerous animals and I was able to get pretty close.

Alicante giraffes

Italy is without a doubt one of my favourite countries in Europe. Each city that I visited was
completely different to the rest, with great culture, art and architecture, but even more beautiful than the cities is the nature in Italy. I highly recommend a trek in Cinque Terre, south of Genoa. This is a series of five brightly coloured fishing villages built into the cliff face in the north-west of Italy.

Cinque Terre

And of course I must say that the food was unbelievably good. Before I left I was already planning my return!





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