Live Englishオンライン英会話の皆さんこんにちは!講師のChiakiです。
今日は、レッスンでよく生徒様から質問をいただく、日本生まれの私が現在の住まいであるオーストラリア(ブリスベン)でのライフについて少しご紹介したいと思います!下記日本文はLive Englishスタッフに訳してもらっていますが、ブログ後半にオリジナルの英語文章を載せているので、皆さんよかったら英語でチャレンジして読んでみてくださいね!
さて、私が初めてオーストラリアに引っ越したのは、2019年。Peace and Conflict Studies (平和と紛争)の修士課程をQueensland Universityで勉強するためでした。私がオーストラリアという国で知っていたのは、赤土の広大な国土を持つ、コアラとカンガルーがいる、美しいビーチがある国、ということだけ。でも、16歳の時から海外に出て生活をしてきた私ですが、オーストラリアに移るということは、すべてが新しく、すべてが初めてのことだったのです。
日本という国と比べて、ビーガンや ヨガをより入れたライフスタイルがとても楽だし、自然や海により近いところで生活ができます。もしチャンスがあったら、オーストラリアにきてみてください!きっと忘れることができない、目の覚めるような素晴らしい経験になると思います!
In 2019, I moved to Brisbane, Australia to start a Master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at Queensland University. This was my first time to visit Australia. All I knew about Australia was the massive red-soil country, Koalas and Kangaroos, and beautiful beaches. Although I was used to moving to a foreign country as I have done so since I was 16 years old, moving to Australia was a whole new experience.
Little had I known that the country was so multi-cultural full of second and third generations of Asian migrants. To my surprise, I found so many Asian restaurants and groceries as well as Asian residents and travelers throughout the Central Business District of Brisbane. I had never been to a western country where Asian influence was so visible. In Europe, where I used to live for almost 10 years, you might find small Asian districts like a China town, but there were no cities like Brisbane.
Hearing Japanese, Korean and Chinese everywhere and having class-mates from various Asian countries at my university were also a new experience for me. Back in the Netherlands, I was a minority as an Asian student.
For this reason, if you are interested in living or going on exchange abroad, I highly recommend Australia as your first destination. It is closer to home compared to the Americas or Europe, geographically, socially and culturally. It will be easier for you to start integrating into the western society and enjoying the Aussie lifestyle, while still feeling at home.
Two and half years later, I am now moving back and forth between Japan and Australia, because I love so many things about Australia. The easy-going Aussie people taught me to lay back and enjoy life more. The vast nature and wildlife taught me to reconnect with the mother-earth. Through living in Australia, I have become more conscious of my own environmental foot-print and what actions I can take to be more compassionate for myself, others and the earth. Compared to Japan, Australia is also much easier to have a vegan and yogic lifestyle and live closer to nature and sea as I would like to.
So if you ever have a chance, do come and visit Australia! It will be an eye-opening life experience that you will not forget.